Individual Therapy

Including: Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, Self-Regulation, Severe Mental Illness.

Couples and Family

Relationships are often the most valued parts of life. Take steps today to put balance back where it belongs.

Psychological Testing

Including: Intelligence, Personality, Mood, Severe Mental Illness, Forensics and Career.

Therapy Message

I am here to help. Life is filled with unknowns and events beyond our control. Often we develop habits of reacting to our challenges rather than cultivating depth of experience. Non-productive patterns of behavior or thinking we get stuck in from an early age can limit our range of choice.

Suffering in life can occur for countless reasons but there are ways to move towards greater lightness, joy, and hope. I can help you shift your focus from endless doing, to stable becoming.

People often find difficulty in developing the skills of remaining present, acceptance, and focused awareness. Whatever you are looking for, together we can explore new ways of being, that are authentic to you and your path. It would be an honor to assist you in any way I can. I look forward to your call today.



Next Steps...

Call today and see how our time together can benefit you.  207-370-9227